Señora Jota Jota

Teaching content and culture through proficiency-driven instruction

Christmas Clip Chat

The Gift by Manor: (Another) Christmas Clip Chat

“The Gift” from 2018 by Manor Department Stores Sweden

Another Christmas Clip Chat resource. Is it possible to have TOO MANY? Probably! But I created another one anyway. I’ve shared so many that one might think I teach exclusively using screenshots of movie shorts. While I do use them a lot, they are actually supplemental and used to pre-teach vocabulary structures. I also use co-created stories, novels, and lots and lots of authentic music, videos, TV shows, and movies. I even teach *gasp* grammar – especially in context.

I also really enjoy the process of creating a Clip Chat resource. I spend way more time than the activity warrants, but it is relaxing and I can lose myself in the process. When I stumbled upon this cute animated short by Manor Department Stores Sweden, I jumped down the clip chat creation rabbit hole.

The Gift – Animated Short Film – 2018 – Manor

I’ll be teaching Bananas by Carrie Toth after Christmas, so I used structures that my students will need. However, you can get your copy of my Google Slides Deck here and edit to use structures that will work for you.

Free Gifts

Included in this Slide Deck:

  • Vocab introduction slides
  • 5 Campanadas
  • Clip Chat with screenshots
  • A short event ordering activity
  • Running Dictation
  • A text of the story I created to go along with the slides
  • Several ideas for speaking practice

All of this is free for you to use in your classroom as well as edit to fit your specific needs. I just ask that you please give credit where credit is due.

Also, I really like to share ideas and resources. If you (or a colleague) adapt this resource to another language, please share back so I can include it here on the blog. The more we work together, the stronger we all are.

And lastly, I’m sure it’s obvious that I’m not a native speaker of Spanish. If you find an error, or if my phrasing is particularly awkward, please contact me so I can make changes to the originals. I am constantly working to improve my own skills. I just haven’t received quite enough input yet…

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Need More Christmas Resources?

Check these out!

Merriest of Christmases to you!

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