Señora Jota Jota

Teaching content and culture through proficiency-driven instruction

It’s back! Christmas Traditions Calendar Interactive Slides, Round 2! (For a link to last year’s slides, click here.) Last year, I planned to use my Christmas Traditions Calendar Interactive slideshow as a digital notebook for students. However, I ended up projecting them to have deeper conversations. I will project this year’s labor of holiday love (and skip assigning a copy in Google Classroom) and use it for calendar talk.

Interactive calendar slide with links to various Christmas/Winter traditions in the Spanish-speaking world.

There are links to 10 dates in December this year. We have finals the week of the 13th – 17th, so I will be reviewing in class instead of presenting anything new. And there are NO links on weekend dates. This means you will find links on the 1st through the 14th (skipping weekends).

Included this year:

  • Winter Solstice
  • Foods of Nicaragua
  • Las Meninas Madrid (arguably not winter OR Christmas, but VERY cool!)
  • Noche de Rábanos
  • La Lotería de Navidad (El Sorteo)
  • Hannukah
  • El Takanakuy de Perú
“Return to the calendar” icon

and more!

At the end of each lesson, the wrapped presents icon takes you back to the calendar page.

A note about Takanakuy

This is a new-to-me tradition. From research, I learned that on December 25th, the town gathers to air grievances. If someone has been wronged, they can challenge the offender to a fight. It is a way to get rid of negative feelings and energy before the new year starts. It’s my understanding that the two fighting will part ways with an embrace and a handshake, returning to being friends. This may seem a little extra for your classes and you might feel uncomfortable sharing. If so, just skip that day. Ultimately, you are in charge of your lessons and making the best choices for your situation.

New this year

I added links to many of the slides for more information. There were some traditions last year that my students wanted more info on. To save myself (and you!) the trouble of an internet search, I added links to my source sites.

Download now!

This link will prompt you make your own 100% editable copy of my Christmas Traditions, Round 2 interactive slides. If you come across errors, please do let me know so I can make changes.

More Christmas Resources

Apple’s Frankie’s Holiday commercial (updated and simplified).

Frankie’s Holiday Nearpod

Justino, El Tió Nadal, and MORE Frankie (yeah, I’m a bit over the top with Frankie, I know).

2020 Christmas Interactive Slides – this was a HUGE success last year!!

Coming Soon…

A NEW Clip Chat just in time for Christmas! And this one has nothing to do with Frankie! lol

Happy Holidays to you!!

Bitmoji Image
Happy Holidays Bitmoji


  1. JJ, I start a new trimester on Monday, and this resource is PERFECT to get me to winter break! I LOVE that you include traditions other than Christmas. My school is very diverse, and many students don’t celebrate Christmas – it is wonderful to see other cultures/traditions honored!

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