Señora Jota Jota

Teaching content and culture through proficiency-driven instruction

Once again, March Music Madness has saved my teaching life for the weeks leading up to spring break. So much fun and engagement! So much participation! I began to wonder… why do students participate so much more with MMM than anything else I do? Participation is typically high in my classes, but seriously, MMM participation is over the top, or as my students would say “so EXTRA.” 

Inspiration Hits!

Finally, it dawned on me…. the student guide from (this one is from the 2018 bracket). Everything is right there for students to fill out: ratings, opinions, spaces to write the names of the songs and artists, voting… And I asked myself, why have I not made something similar for Nailed It!???

Here’s a sample:

I created it in Google Slides so that it can be shared easily with my remote students or printed for my in-person crew. I plan to print because my students tell me they are pretty darned weary of looking at computer screens.

Total game-changer here! 
If you would like a copy, head on over to my ALL NEW TPT store Senora Jota Jota!
Please let me know what you think and **especially** if you find an error!
Happy teaching!


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