Señora Jota Jota

Teaching content and culture through proficiency-driven instruction

It’s no secret that I love using Nailed It! México in class. I show it on Fridays and engagement is really high. Funny thing, students think ‘we aren’t doing anything’ on Fridays because it’s so fun. The reality is, they are receiving literally TONS of input – the very building blocks their future output. Score!

We have taken a break from our tradition during October and have used our Friday fun time for viewing Coco. We will be getting back to it soon, thought, and I wanted a way to refresh their memories with the vocab from the show. What I came up with is this slide show.

It is totally adorable and I can’t wait to use it to reintroduce my students to this fun, cheesy, outrageous show!

What are you using to infuse some fun into your Fridays? If you haven’t already, I encourage you to give Nailed It! a try. When you do, I’d love to hear back from you!

Until then, happy teaching!

decorating a heart cake