Señora Jota Jota

Teaching content and culture through proficiency-driven instruction

I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner! Probably because I was stubbornly hanging onto paper with every last ounce of energy I had… 

Can you say silly?

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Nothing like a pandemic to bring you to your senses!

More streamlining processes.

I feel like Google Slides is going to be an even bigger part of my life this year than it already was. So I typed up no frills ACTFL proficiency learning targets / can-do statements that can be copied and plugged into any lesson. They can stand on their own or be easily modified to fit the specific needs of that day. 
Here are some examples:
The colors match my Drag-n-Drop Self-evaluations and go from Novice Low to Intermediate High. These are SUPER simple, no bells and whistles. I plan to open them up, select the one I need, copy and paste into the lesson, requiring very little thinking and planning. And that’s what we all need more of – less stress – more time!
If you would like a copy of your very own, just click here.
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I’m sure someone in the web-verse has these already completed and much fancier, but I sure didn’t find them so these will suffice for now!
Happy teaching!