Señora Jota Jota

Teaching content and culture through proficiency-driven instruction

We are off to a great start! I am so excited to get into my classroom every. Single. Day! After last year’s huge classes and no planning period, I was absolutely exhausted at the end of each day.

But this year is different. I have manageable classes, two full sections of Spanish 4 (a first for us!!), new chairs, and a better attutude!

Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana provides the grant for these chairs. I went from this…..

To this!!!!

These chairs are amazing! But even better than the chairs are the attitudes students come to class with this year. They are ready to learn and ask a ton of questions. In two separate classes we have “gone rogue” and ditched the plan for the sake of some really good conversation. One class ASKED me to write a unit for them about Cuba. Seriously. They ASKED!! They want to learn more about our relationship with Cuba and immigration and federal policies. Of COURSE I will do that!

Seriously, I’m floored.

I hope everyone’s year is off to this great of a start!