Señora Jota Jota

Teaching content and culture through proficiency-driven instruction

When I first started thinking about an art unit, I did a general search on the iFLT / NTPRS / CI Facebook page. You will be amazed at the number of posts on any and every topic under the sun. I am so grateful to this community for all the sharing and caring!

In my search, I came across an idea from Profesora Camila (Cammi) Collier-Roger from Colorado. She paints in her room and instructs her students in the target language. I had to try it!

In Profesora Collier-Roger’s post, she used this video and muted the sound. I did the same and told students that they had to interpret my directions. No speaking was permitted this day. If they interpreted correctly, the result would be some sort of an eye!

We had so much fun! I was very tired that day and therefore hesitant to tackle such a big task. I’m so glad I did! It was very relaxing and the students were extremely focused.

Students were very proud to display their artwork and compare with each other!
I displayed them outside my room.
And the next day, I caught many students proudly taking photos and showing their eye to their friends.
I will definitely do this activity again!